Ducks. The rulers of this city. With so much rain (Bergen IS the rainiest city in Europe), most humans were not surprised when one day ducks just took over. It was a bloodless coup; nobody really fought back: “They were more adapted to these natural conditions, so I guess most people – including me – recognised that fact and thought it would be for the better,” commented Silja Tornsen, a rather tall and sportive-looking lady of about 80, while pensively gazing at City Hall during our short conversation on local governance. “Sometimes you have to leave your ego aside and think about what’s good for society, for your children, you know. And, after all these years, the city is now rich and comfortable, so they must be doing a good job governing,” she concluded, still speaking through her snorkel. Luckily for you, though, I’ll show you the dry side of the city.

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